PAM (SecHard) Software User's Guide


PAM (SecHard) Software User's Guide




PAM (SecHard) Software User Guide 


Authorized access to system infrastructure components will be made through PAM (Authorized account management) software.  

You can access the PAM software from the specified URL address. All accesses made through PAM are recorded (including screen recording) and logged.  

After accessing the URL address, you need to log in with the account information and OTP code given to you. 








After logging in, you will see the resources you are authorized to access, separated by access methods.  You can start your connection by selecting the source you want to connect to.





If login is requested with request confirmation, click on the three dots to the remote server to connect to and send a request to connect with the desired username.




After selecting which user you want to connect with, write a description of why we will connect. After specifying between which hours the session will be held, the request is sent.




Yapılan Requestler, Notifications kısmından bildirilir. Gelen Notitication üzerine tıklanıldığında “Requests” sayfasına yönlendirilir. Aynı zamanda bu sayfaya sol taraftaki menüden de ulaşılabilir. Approve tıklanarak erişime izin verilir. Reject ise erişimi ret eder.

Requests made are notified from the Notifications section. Clicking on the Notification will redirect to the "Requests" page. This page can also be accessed from the left side menu. Access is allowed by clicking Approve. Reject denies access.


After connecting, you will see the full screen.  

With the help of the menu on the right side of the screen, you can take screenshots, transfer files and paste text in the remote desktop connection. You can see the connection type, Name of the connected device, IP address, username and username that made the connection. 


When you click the "Take Screenshot" button, it takes a screenshot of the remote desktop connection and automatically uploads it to your computer's downloads folder.

With the "PASTE" button you can copy text to the remote desktop. Copy the content from your own computer.  Then on the remote desktop, click on the "Paste" button from the menu on the right and ctrl+v or Right click/Copy where you want to copy the text.







You can transfer files to the remote desktop with the "Send a File" button. After selecting the file you want to copy on the screen that opens, we complete the file copy to the remote desktop with the "Upload" button. The copied file is automatically copied to the "Computer\SecHard-Drive\Download" folder on the remote desktop. When the session is closed, the files in the relevant area will be deleted, so you need to save the files in a different area when you want them to be permanent.



If you want to change the keyboard language, select the preferred keyboard language from the "Keyboard Layout" drop-down menu on the right menu.

After completing your operations with the remote connection, you need to log out of the server by pressing the "Disconnect" button on the right menu.


  Console access is done in the same way.


To use the Proxy feature with access methods such as Putty, click on the three dots next to the relevant resource and select the Proxy feature.





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