22.7. DB Maintenance


22.7. DB Maintenance

SECHARD uses Mongo DB as a Database. Mongo DB runs on a different Container inside the server. Most of the data coming from network devices is text based. Using Mongo DB creates serious performance gains even in very large networks.

SECHARD keeps all its data in Mongo DB Database. The data stored is defined in a standard way as follows. In case of changing the periods and pressing the Save button, the data is stored according to the specified periods.

Maintain recent Backup in Database: Maintain current server backups in Database is stored going back 30 days from the date.

Maintain recent Windows Registry Backups in database: Maintain registry backups going back 10 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent Backups in Database: Maintain recent backups in database going back 1600 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent Console Sessions in Database: The most recently opened console sessions are stored going back 1700 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent RDP Session Records in database: RDP Session Records are stored in Database going back 30 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent VNC Session Records in database: VNC Session Records are stored in the database going back 30 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent Alarms in database: Alarms are stored in the database going back 90 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent System Events in database: System Events are stored in the Database going back 720 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent Syslogs in database: Syslogs are stored in the Database going back 365 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent TACACS Logs in database: Tacacs Logs are stored in the Database going back 900 days from the current server date.

Maintain recent RADIUS Logs in database: Tacacs Logs are stored in the Database going back 365 days from the current server date.





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