17.6. Licenses
It shows the list of licenses and information about licenses.
Software: It shows the software name.
Product Key: It shows the product key information.
Expiration Date: It shows the expiration date.
Licenses To Email: It shows the mail address that is licensed.
Manufacturer: It shows the name of the manufacturer.
Total Seats: It shows the total seats number.
Available Seats: It shows the available seats number.
Checkout: It is used to check out.
Edit Accessory Asset: It is used to edit.
Field used to add a license.
Software name: Mandatorily type the security name.
Seats: Mandatorily specify the number of Seats.
Category: Mandatorily specify the category.
Manufacturer: Mandatorily specify the manufacturer.
Company: Optionally select a company.
Product Key: Optionally type the product key.
Licensed To Name: Optionally type the license name.
Licensed To Mail: Optionally type the license mail address.
Order Number: Optionally type the order number.
Purchase Cost: Optionally type the Purchase cost.
Purchase Date: Optionally select the purchase date.
Expiration Date: Optionally select the expiration date.
Termination Date: Optionally select the end date.
Purchase Order Number: Optionally type the purchase order number.
Notes: Optionall
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