17.5. People
It shows the information of registered users and the numbers of Customs, licenses, and accessories.
Full Name: It shows the full name.
Title: It shows the optionally typed title.
Phone: It shows the phone number.
Mobile: It shows the mobile phone number.
Custom Assets: It shows the number of Custom Assets that the user has created.
License Assets: It shows the number of License Assets that the user has created.
Accessory Assets: It shows the number of Accessory Assets that the user has created.
Edit Accessory Asset: It is used to edit.
Add People field.
Full Name: Optionally type the full name.
Email: Optionally type an email address.
Company: Select a company.
Language: Optionally add language.
Employee No: Type the employee number.
Title: Optionally type the title.
Manager: Select manager.
Department: Select the department.
Location: Select the location
Phone: Optionally enter a phone number
Website: Optionally type the website address.
Address: Optionally type the address.
City: Optionally type the city.
State: Optionally type the County.
Country: Optionally select the country.
Zip: Optionally type the postal code.
Notes: Optionally type a note.
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