10.2. Schedule Backup


10.2. Schedule Backup

On the Schedule Backup page, located under the Backup & Restore section in the Left Menu, the Schedule Backup definitions are made. 

Get Selected Backups: The selected devices are backed up instantly when clicked on the Get Selected Backups button.

Schedule Selected Backups: When the Schedule Selected Backups button is pressed, a Schedule is created for the devices selected according to the configuration made at the top right.

Devices selected according to this configuration are backed up every day at 01:00AM with the name Daily Backup. If the backup is completed, an e-mail about the subject will be sent to the registered address.

Devices selected according to this configuration are backed up with the name Weekly Backup at 02:00AM on the day when they are Scheduled every Week. When the backup is completed, an e-mail about the subject will be sent to the registered address.


Devices selected according to this configuration are backed up with the name Weekly Backup at 03:00AM on the day when they are Scheduled every Week. When the backup is completed, an e-mail about the subject will be sent to the registered address.


A sample e-mail image from the e-mail address

