5.6.1. NIST 800-171r2 Compliance


5.6.1. NIST 800-171r2 Compliance

It is a framework developed by the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Development Center and designed to help organizations that contract with the US Federal Government reduce their cybersecurity risks.

The purpose of NIST 800-171r2 Compliance is to reduce the cybersecurity risks of organizations that contract with the Federal Government and protect the information of the US Federal Government. To this end, NIST 800-171r2 defines a set of security controls for organizations.

NIST 800-171r2 Compliance is issued by the FIPS Development Center. NIST 800-171r2 was published in 2017 and updated in 2022.

NIST 800-171r2 Compliance is mandatory for all organizations that contract with the US Federal Government. These organizations must develop and implement a plan to meet the requirements of NIST 800-171r2.

The benefits of NIST 800-171r2 Compliance are as follows:

  • Reduces cybersecurity risks.

  • Protects US Federal Government information.

  • Fulfills legal obligations.

  • Strengthens corporate reputation.

 To comply with NIST 800-171r2 Compliance, organizations should take the following steps:

  1. Review NIST 800-171r2 and identify the requirements that are important to your organization.

  2. Develop a plan to fulfill these requirements.

  3. Implement the plan and evaluate its effectiveness.


NIST 800-171r2 Compliance is an important tool to help all organizations that contract with the U.S. Federal Government reduce cybersecurity risks and protect U.S. Federal Government information.

The key requirements of NIST 800-171r2 Compliance are:

  • Risk management: Organizations need to identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

  • Policies and procedures: Organizations need to develop cybersecurity policies and procedures.

  • Technical controls: Organizations need to implement technical controls to mitigate cybersecurity risks.

  • Human resources: Organizations need to invest in human resources to increase cybersecurity awareness.

  • Continuous improvement: Organizations need to continuously improve to reduce cybersecurity risks.


NIST 800-171r2 Compliance, ABD Federal Hükümeti ile sözleşme imzalayan tüm kuruluşların siber güvenlik risklerini azaltmalarına yardımcı olacak çeşitli araç ve kaynakları da sağlamaktadır. Bu araçlar ve kaynaklar arasında, NIST 800-171r2 kılavuzları, eğitim materyalleri ve denetim hizmetleri yer almaktadır.

NIST 800-171r2 Compliance'ın, diğer siber güvenlik çerçevelerinden farkı, ABD Federal Hükümeti'nin özel ihtiyaçlarına ve önceliklerine göre tasarlanmış olmasıdır. NIST 800-171r2, ABD Federal Hükümeti'nin bilgilerini korumaya odaklanmaktadır.

Özetle, NIST 800-171r2 Compliance, ABD Federal Hükümeti ile sözleşme imzalayan kuruluşların siber güvenlik risklerini azaltmalarına ve ABD Federal Hükümeti'nin bilgilerini korumalarına yardımcı olmak için önemli bir araçtır.



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