2.4. Network Configuration
After the SECHARD server is deployed, only the IP address needs to be changed in order to access it. The IP address can be changed by manually editing the installer-config.yaml file.
vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
Switch to insert mode and save the file by entering IP address, gateway, DNS and domain information respectively. (press ESC key and type :wq to save)
Run the netplan apply command to save the settings made.
to prevent Cors attacks we need to go to this file cd /opt/sechard
replace IP address with Sechard's IP address
After the SECHARD server is deployed, only the IP address needs to be changed in order to access it. The IP address can be modified by manually editing the ifcfg-ens160 file or using the NetworkManager Text User Interface nmtui tool. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens160
# sudo systemctl restart network
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