With Bulk configuration, the command to be sent is sent to multiple devices at the same time. In this way, show commands to be applied to resources, hardening items can be sent to many devices in a very short time. To use the Bulk Configuration feature, it should be noted that it is in the same family structure.
In Select Recipes section, select recipe groups.
Select All button allows you to select all listed recipients. To select individual recipes, the tick on the left side of the recipe should be checked. Click Next to apply the recipe.
The information of the resources to be applied is shown
IP: Shows the ip address of the device to be applied
Name Shows the name of the device to be applied
Availability: Indicates the status of applicability to the device. 'Applicaple' if it can access the device. 'Not Applicaple' if it cannot access the device. It will not send commands to devices with Not Applicaple warning.
An automatic name is assigned to the Bulk Configuration to be applied.
Recipe Group is created with 'Save Recipe Group'. Recipe Group feature is used when you want to apply to other devices in the same family structure.
When the 'Run Command' button is pressed, the selected recipients will start to be applied directly. The applied Bulk Configuration can be monitored with the Job Management feature.
Click once on the created Job and click on 'Details' (Three Line icon) on the top right side.
This page shows which devices it was sent to. To see the Recipe result, click once on the Job and click on 'Results' (Three Lines icon) on the top right.