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The detailed report of the Hardening Recipes is downloaded from the Hardening Detail Report kısmından Hardening Recipe’lerinin detaylı raporu indirilir. Rapor içerisinde section. Description, Detail, Rational, Audit, Remediation, Impact, DefaultValue, References, Profile Applicability ve Status bilgileri yer alır. Status bilgisinde ilgili Hardening Recipe’inin cihazda uygulanıp uygulanmadığı bilgisi verilir. Uygulanmışsa Pass, uygulanmamışsa Fail ve cihaz desteklemiyorsa Passive durumda gözükür. Rapor her network cihazı için ayrı ayrı üretilir, and Status information are included in the report. In the Status information, information is provided about whether the corresponding Hardening Recipe has been applied to the device. If it is applied, it appears as a Pass, if it is not applied, it appears as a Fail, and if the device does not support it, it appears in a Passive state. The report is generated separately for each network device.
